Figure 6. The morphogenetic domain signaling network model suggested that the Notch and the Ephrin signaling pathways cross-talk and play important roles in regulating tissue morphogenesis. (A) We identified the differentially expressed genesets in morphogenetic domains by clustering and correlative image analysis. Results of GO term analysis indicate that Wnt, Notch and Ephrin pathway components were enriched in these genesets. The three pathways, Wnt (blue), Notch (red) and Ephrin (dark blue) crosstalk with each other through intermediate hub genes (orange circle). (B) The Notch and the Ephrin signaling pathways were highly expressed during embryo early organogenesis. The components of the pathways showed regional specificity of gene expression in multiple morphogenetic domains. (N and E stand for Notch and Ephrin signaling pathway components, respectively in the circle shape markers. The white color indicates “detected” and black color indicates “not detected.”).