Supplementary Figure 11: The development process of muscle, neuron and excretory cell and intestine system involve the coordinated specification, the proliferation, the growth, the differentiation, and the self-organization of populations of cells. (A) Muscle progenitor cells (yellow color coded, Supplementary movie 11) were specified and began with proliferation in the central and the posterior region of the embryo body (Muscle ①-③), then went through the process of convergent extension, forming a ‘U’ shape morphological structure in contacts with the other precursor cell types in pharynx and intestine (Muscle ④-⑧). (B) Neuron and excretory progenitor cells (light red color coded, Supplementary movie 14) were originally specified in the ventral body part of the embryo (Neuron and excretory ①). They then migrated collectively in a group from the ventral to the dorsal side of the embryo body over long distance (Neuron and excretory ②-③). (C) Starting with just one cell, the intestine progenitor cells (cyan color coded, Supplementary movie 15) were specified in the of the embryo (Intestine ①). They then proliferated, became polarized, and ultimately self-aligned to form the column structure of the future intestine in contacts with the pharynx, the muscle, and the hypodermis populations (Intestine ②-④).